Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?

I was a latch key kid who grew up in a small town, joined the US Navy as an Electronics Technician and married my high school sweetheart.  After leaving the military, I have spent the past 20 plus years working for Sprint, Ericsson and T-Mobile.  My time with those companies was a singular chain of employment with my position being moved from company to company through partnership or merger.  During my time with these companies, I was frequently recruited to multiple positions and asked to lead various initiatives which in turn provided me with a wealth of telecom experience.


What are your greatest strengths?

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to bring organization to hectic environments. I thrive in fast-paced and challenging situations, and I am skilled at creating systems and processes to streamline tasks and increase efficiency. I am comfortable working under pressure and can quickly adapt to changing priorities and deadlines.

Another strength of mine is effective communication. I understand the importance of clear and concise communication, whether it be with team members, clients, or stakeholders. I am an active listener, and I am skilled at conveying complex information in a way that is easily understood by others. I believe that effective communication is crucial to building strong relationships and achieving successful outcomes.

In addition, I am proficient in delivering effective presentations. I have experience in creating and delivering presentations to diverse audiences, from small groups to large crowds. I am confident in my ability to engage and captivate an audience, and I utilize a variety of tools and techniques to effectively convey my message and keep my audience engaged.

Overall, my strengths lie in my ability to bring organization to hectic environments, my effective communication skills, my proficiency in delivering effective presentations, and my expertise in implementing processes.


What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

I believe it’s important to be honest and self-aware. One weakness that I have struggled with in the past is work-life balance. While I understand the importance of taking breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, I can sometimes become so immersed in my work that I neglect other aspects of my life.

I have a tendency towards perfectionism. While attention to detail is important, I understand that perfectionism can sometimes be a hindrance to progress and can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. I am working on finding a balance between striving for excellence and being able to recognize when good is good enough.

To address these weaknesses, I have made a conscious effort to prioritize my personal life and set boundaries around my work schedule. I am also working on letting go of the need for everything to be perfect and instead focusing on continuous improvement and progress. Overall, I believe that being aware of and actively working on my weaknesses is an important aspect of personal and professional growth.


What is your ideal or dream job?

My ideal job would be a role that allows me to work on complex projects with cutting-edge technologies. I enjoy solving complex problems and working with a team of like-minded professionals to make a meaningful contribution to the company’s success. I am looking for a role that provides opportunities for growth and development, so I can continue to expand my knowledge and skills. Additionally, a supportive company culture and opportunities for career growth and development are important to me.


What type of work environment do you prefer?

Overall, I am at my best in a fast-paced work environment that fosters team collaboration, open communication, and ongoing learning opportunities. I believe that such an environment can lead to increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, and better outcomes for both the team and the organization as a whole.


How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Dealing with pressure and stressful situations in a fast-paced work environment requires effective communication, prioritization, delegation, time management, and team support. By following these strategies, I am able to handle high-pressure situations while ensuring that the team works collaboratively towards achieving common goals.


Do you prefer working independently or on a team?

I believe that both working independently and, on a team, have their advantages, and I prefer to strike a balance between the two. On one hand, working with a team can offer valuable opportunities for brainstorming, getting diverse perspectives and feedback, and building a shared sense of purpose. On the other hand, working independently allows me to focus deeply on a task or project and leverage my individual strengths and expertise.


When you’re balancing multiple projects, how do you keep yourself organized?

When managing multiple projects, staying organized is crucial to ensure that each project is given the necessary attention and completed on time. Here are some strategies that I use to stay organized:


Prioritize tasks: Identifying the most critical tasks that need to be completed first. I create a to-do list for each project and then prioritize each task based on its level of urgency and importance. This helps me ensure that I am tackling the most crucial items first.


Set realistic deadlines: When working on multiple projects, it’s important to set realistic deadlines. I make sure to allow myself enough time to complete each task, and I account for potential roadblocks or delays that may arise. This helps me stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.


Communicate with stakeholders: Effective communication, I make sure to keep stakeholders informed of my progress and any issues that arise. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and reduces the likelihood of any misunderstandings.


Take breaks: I find that taking short breaks throughout the day helps me stay focused and avoid burnout. Additionally, spending time with loved ones to maintain my mental health and well-being.


Have you done anything since you left your last position to improve your knowledge?

I have utilized the extra time available to me to focus on self-improvement and professional development. I took a step back and reflected on my career aspirations, and identified areas where I could improve my skills and knowledge.

To this end, I engaged in a variety of activities to expand my knowledge and stay current with the latest ideas and trends in my field. I made a conscious effort to read a lot of articles, watch videos, and attend webinars and conferences related to my industry. This helped me to gain insights and perspectives from different thought leaders and experts in my field.


Why did you leave last job?

I was part of a layoff at T-Mobile. Since their merger with Sprint, you might have seen in the news that they have been experiencing downsizing to create a more sustainable business model. Unfortunately, my department was completely eliminated. While I was disappointed, I recognized that it was a decision that reflected the changing business climate the company is in.